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PRO1TEK® EMPACT Trauma/Tactical/AIMS Enabled® Kit

PRO1TEK® EMPACT Trauma/Tactical/AIMS Enabled® Kit

Product Features:

  • EMPACT™ your situation with PRO1TEK®’s Emergency, Medical, Passive, Active, Counter-Measure Toolkit 
  • Patented Tactical and Medical trauma kit.
  • First Aid/Stop Gap treatment.
  • Customizable
  • Flexibility to meet your needs – can be used in rapid response, mass casualty, or defense response situations.
  • Can be used with AIMS Enabled™ system to track inventory and product expiration dates, location, as well as manage critical assets and containers from one place across a home, school, enterprise, government facility or base, etc. - Visit the AIMS Enabled™ page for more information. 



Due to the sensitivity of the content within our Patented Kits, please contact us for more information and pricing. CALL FOR PRICING & KIT OPTIONS



The EMPACT™ Trauma/Tactical. AIMS Enabled® kit is the only Tactical and Medical combined Trauma Kit on the market. Where survival and quick response can mean the difference between life and death choose PRO1TEK®; this product allows individuals caught in a crisis to impede access to rooms and administer first aid/stop gap treatment where necessary until professional help arrives.; This robust Kit has the tools and flexibility to provide individuals with a rapid response to mass casualties and/or to be downsized for 2 to 4 casualties with a defense response component built in.; Designed for military, governmental agencies, police, EMS, schools, institutions, universities, and corporations, as well as for personal and home usage etc.; Customization available for quantity orders.

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