What would you do if given a second change to make a difference?

In February of 1998, my eldest daughter was diagnosed with cancer. As our family wrestled to understand why this was happening and educate ourselves on our options to fight to keep her alive, I vowed that if her life were spared I would one day find a way to make a difference in the lives of those who have also experienced tragedy.

I will never forget the day that doctors told me that my precious daughter had cancer and that her life expectancy was very grim. From that day forward my journey to find an answer for life’s toughest circumstances began. My daughter’s treatment became a team effort and research into every conceivable cure was investigated. We discovered that outside of conventional thinking, there were many possible solutions that provided our family with hope; it was this searching that led me to a group of scientists and the development of a line of health and safety products that would eventually be named PRO1TEK® (PROTEK ONE). While I would never wish for another family to experience what mine has gone through, it was that struggle that has helped me to find viable solutions for problems our world and culture face daily.

In 2008, I started Priority Environmental Solutions, Inc. (PES), to fulfill my passion of helping to change lives and outcomes. We provide the PRO1TEK® brand to Health care, schools, commercial and consumer markets, as well as EMS, and many governmental agencies. The motivation that drives me forward every day is knowing that I have the ability as President and Owner of PES to make a lasting impact on this world. It's more than just a growing business to me, because of my experience with my daughter, it is my hope that our efforts in providing great and quality products will make a difference in the lives of those around us and our communities. I am blessed to be able to share that my daughter is a cancer survivor. Although, the doctors told us that our daughter would more than likely never become a mother, our second miracle came in the form of now three grandbabies! – both Mother and Daughters are happy and healthy!

The Pro1tek® family vision is to be able to set up a foundation to help others through the sale of these products, as well as to bring new innovative technologies into the market. Moving forward, it's not just my passion but my family's contribution to improve and make a difference in the lives of others that has created safe yet effective solutions to aid across multiple fields in many different scenarios. With today’s new normal of increased active shooter, mass shootings, and natural disasters it is our passion to help prepare as many people as possible, providing hope in the midst of adversity for the second chance we have been given. Please see additional information about our products and what they can do for you - help us in our journey to help others!

 A letter from the President & C.E.O